Dual Shaft Stepper Motor

You’re in the right place for Dual Shaft Stepper Motor.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HAYOUYI.we guarantee that it’s here on HAYOUYI.
The use of this product is proven to be healthy. Its electromagnetic radiation will absolutely not affect people's health. .
We aim to provide the highest quality Dual Shaft Stepper Motor.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Customized Nema 8 stepper motor dual shaft 2 manufacturers From China | HAYOUYI
    Customized Nema 8 stepper motor dual shaft 2 manufacturers From China | HAYOUYI
    This hybrid bipolar stepper motor is the miniature stepper motor we carry, it with 1.8 deg. step angle (200 steps/revolution). Each phase draws 600 mA at 1.9 V, allowing for a holding torque of 1.4Ncm(2.2oz.in). Electrical Specification: * Manufacturer Part Number:20HS2806B4 * Motor Type: Bipolar Stepper * Step Angle: 1.8 deg. * Holding Torque: 1.4Ncm(2.2oz.in) * Rated Current/phase: 0.6A * Phase Resistance: 3.2ohms *Inductance: 0.9mH+/-20%(1KHz) Physical Specification: * Frame Size: 20 x 20mm * Body Length: 28mm * Shaft Diameter: 4mm * Shaft Length: 20mm * D-cut Length: 15mm * Back shaft 7.5mm.Number of Leads: 4 * Lead Length: 600mm * Weight: 60g Connection: Black(A+), Green(A-), Red(B+), Blue(B-) Warning: Make sure the motor connect to a constant current or chopper drive controller before you test motor. Connecting the motor directly to a power supply will destroy the motor.
  • Hybrid Stepper Motor 42HS6315B4 Dual Shaft 1.5A Big Torque 75N.Cm NEMA 17 Stepping Motor SUMTOR
    Hybrid Stepper Motor 42HS6315B4 Dual Shaft 1.5A Big Torque 75N.Cm NEMA 17 Stepping Motor SUMTOR
    step angle : 1.8degreerated voltage : 4.5Vcurrent : 1.5 A/phaseresistance : 3Ω/phaseinductance: 6.5mH/phaseholding torque : 75N cmdetent torque : 3.5 N cmrotate inertia :72 g.cm²motor length : 63mmlead wire : 4motor weight : 470g
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